Malaria reference laboratory (MRL): user handbook
Details of MRL laboratory services including malaria diagnosis.
The Malaria Reference Laboratory (MRL) provides the following services:
- malaria diagnosis
- epidemiological data for the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
- prophylaxis advice for travellers
- technical advice on methodology and laboratory procedures
These services are offered to:
- all hospitals
- UKHSA and NHS laboratories
- GPs
- private medical laboratories throughout the UK and abroad
Updates to this page
Added staff member details to Laboratory section.
Updated content which was no longer required.
Updated following sections: 'Location', 'Staff and telephone numbers', 'Sample', 'Specimen collection' and 'Laboratory investigation of malaria'.
Added information on data security and outbreak investigations.
Added latest version of Malaria reference laboratory user handbook.
Updated staff and telephone numbers, investigation of malaria: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and PCR turnaround time.
Replaced user handbook with 2016 edition.
Updated guidance on obtaining malaria prophylaxis advice and on procedure for Hazard Group 4 risk specimens.
First published.